- So I stopped product one. I just don't think people were interested in buying it.
I launched a second product. It costs $14 on Aliexpress, I'm selling for 24.95. No sales on this
product. Still testing. I ran ppe ads. I was getting decent stats and clicks but no sales. I had
around 150 visits and no sales on that product. I stopped the ppe ads. I think a problem is my
site isn't converting.
I'll be launching WC ads (add to cart). and Today I added some plugins to increase conversion
rates ( Countdown timer, sales pop, and others). Here's a pic of my ads in each adset. I had
another 1 in each one so I had 8 but for some reason most of the budget was spent on these
ones and not the other ones. Some decent CPC that could've been optimized but visitors
aren't converting. So I'm going to run ATC for these same adsets and we'll see if it works.
Next update probably on Sunday, I'll report on my ATC ads. And I'll probably launch a new product aswell.
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