
My shopify journey (8)

I'm curious what the profit margins are on many of the products you are testing out,

how was the profit margin on that 80k in sales your family member did. For someone without 

experience to go online and create 80k in sales is impressive, curious as to the profit from 


I think he had over 30k in profit. Earlier he had less but alot of the items didn't arrive in time 

because of Christmas and he got like 6k back from AliExpress disputes

Few questions:

  • 1. How much budget do I need to start the same?

That depends. $1000-$2000 would be good because that gives you a big budget to test stuff

  • 2. Do you buy manually from Aliexpress or shopify does? I have no express with this software.

Right now manualy

  • 3. Is Wecoomerce similar to shopify?

I haven't used woocommerce

  • 4. Do I need to sell high price items? ( more than $ 20 ) or this can work with cheap stuff( under $ 5). 

I ask becasue shipping cost at least $ 10 per item. you can sell whatever price items you want

  • 5. Did you try Adword or FB ads are better?

I only tried fb

  • 6. You said that your bother makes thousands everyday. Why doesn't he teaches you to to improve faster?

He doesn't make 10k a day anymore. This business model isn't steady. You may make 10k a 

day one month, and now you burned through all the adsets and the next month your at $0.

There's nothing for him to teach me anymore. He already showed me stuff earlier and now I 

know what to do.

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My shopify journey (1)

So I'm creating this journey to hopefully motivate some of you to do this, aswell as keep me motivated and get suggestions from you guys. My goal is to hit 10k a day in sales with a product. To some it may sound crazy, but it's really not because it's not hard to scale on facebook ads. A family member of mine did 80k in 10 days with no experience, so it's very possible. I started about 2 months ago. In December I shared a Shopify site with that family member, and had sales. About $200 but wasn't converting well. I made my own store now so it's easier to calculate costs and as well as have my own pixel. January I didnt do much due to exams but now I'm ready. On this journey I will post sales, profit, fb results, what I did that day and other strategies I used. I will not be sharing my product, nor my store until I decide to give up on that product and move to the next. Then I maybe will share the product, ads, and targeting. What I have done so far ...

My shopify journey (14)

UPDATE: so I think I mentioned earlier I stopped that other product and launched a new one.  New product costs me like 3$-4$ and I sell for 24.95. Its in the beauty niche. I sold 2 today. Still  testing lots of adsets. I believe my ads will get disapproved soon as they are against facebook  TOS.  I m getting killer add to cart rate at 15% but only 2% purchase. Im not sure why that is. Im NOT  doing free + shipping. Im offering free shipping. So thats really wierd how it would drop so  much. Maybe just a coincidence. If you want start shopify, you can click here :   S hopify unlimited days trial.

My shopify journey (23)

DAY 4 OF NEW PRODUCT LAUNCH   It did great today. It's like 1 am right now. Currently scaling. But this time I'm trying manually  bidding only when scaling. Profits were fucking amazing! Only accepting cc, and profits were about 45% of the revenue. I made around $730 cad today. Best of all I didn't do jack shit except for now when scaling. Update: Day 5 of new product .  Its going great! About 40% of revenue is  pr HOLY SHIT JUST HIT 4k TODAY! Thats 5.4K CAD! Around 40% of it is profit!   EDIT: because of cashlow issues, ill be lowering my bids on my manual bid adsets to spend less money (and less revenue) UPDATE  So I lowered my bids on my manual adsets. I spent much less on ads today while almost doing  the same amount of revenue. Like 50% of this is profit today. I maybe worked on this 2 hours in  total for the last 3 days. And I made thousands in profit each day, which is crazy.  If you want start shopify...